Copyright 2025 - County of Lancaster, PA -- LCYIC, Drew Fredericks

About P.U.L.S.E.

Providing Uplifting Learning Skills to Excel The mission of the P.U.L.S.E Weekend Program is to provide short-term, research/evidence-based treatment heavily reliant on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Motivational Interviewing to male and female youth in Lancaster County. Youth are referred to the program through the Office of Juvenile Probation or the Children and Youth Agency. Youth who are referred by the Office of Juvenile Probation are court-ordered to the program and are identified as low to moderate risk based on the Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (YLS/CMI). The instrument identifies risk, need, and responsivity factors as well as strengths and protective factors. The Program Director and Supervisors will work with Juvenile Probation, the client, and the family to incorporate the data from the YLS/CMI into a holistic plan that builds upon strengths and addresses areas related to recidivism thereby enhancing success and prevention of future delinquent/criminal behavior. Youth referred by the Children and Youth Agency have been demonstrating negative behavior patterns within the community and are in need of a moderate level intervention. The Program Director and Supervisors will work with the Caseworker, the client, and the family in order to develop a holistic plan that builds upon strengths and addresses problem behaviors thereby enhancing success and reducing negative behaviors within the community. P.U.L.S.E. Weekend Program participants will receive treatment on a weekend- long basis for 5 consecutive weekends that will foster repairing harm to victims, restoring the health and welfare of communities, and enable juveniles to become productive and law-abiding members of their communities, consistent with BARJ Principles already in existence. Comprehensive Case Plans will link assessments with services aimed to improve competencies and reduce the risk to reoffend. Participants will be allotted time for school work and community service projects. The schedule will be highly structured, while allowing flexibility to meet each participant’s needs. The parents/guardians of the P.U.L.S.E. Weekend Program participants are encouraged to participate in the program to ensure a continuity of care. The parent/guardian and the participant will attend a Family Intake Meeting in order to establish a clear understanding of the dynamics surrounding the participant’s behaviors. In addition, the parent will briefly speak to the Program Coordinator every Friday and Sunday to discuss progress and concerns. The family will participate in a family program during one of the weekends. This will give the parents/guardians and the child an opportunity to examine the child’s behavior and have an open conversation about the changes that need to occur in order to promote healthy growth. Finally, the parents/guardians will attend a Graduation Ceremony at on the last Sunday to acknowledge the participant’s accomplishments throughout the program. Many youth involved in the juvenile justice system are lacking in prosocial skills. P.U.L.S.E. Weekend Program participants will complete the Forward Thinking Curriculum from The   Change   Companies . They will focus on What Got Me Here?, Handling Difficult Feelings, Relationships and Communication, Responsible Behavior, and Victim Awareness. In addition, they will create an Individual Change Plan that will guide them throughout the five weeks.
Youth Intervention Center
Week 1 “What Got Me Here?” module and parts of the “Individual Change Plan” module Week 2 “Handling Difficult Feelings” module and parts of the “Individual Change Plan” module Week 3 “Responsible Behavior” module and parts of the “Individual Change Plan” module Week 4 “Relationships and Communication” module and parts of the “Individual Change Plan” module Week 5 “Victim Awareness” module and parts of the “Individual Change Plan” module