Copyright 2025 - County of Lancaster, PA -- LCYIC, Drew Fredericks
ETC COVID Safety Precautions
General PrecautionsAll staff and participants are required to wear a face covering. They must keep their face covering on at all times while in the building and during transport. The only exception will be during mealtime while eating. During this time, the participants will be at individual table at least 6 feet apart. Staff and participants will use hand sanitizer often (after transitions into new rooms, before and after meals, etc.) and wash hands when possible.Disinfecting ProceduresAll frequently touched surfaces will be disinfected throughout the day. This occurs at least three times per shift.All common spaces will be disinfected before and after each use.TransportationUpon being picked up for transportation or arriving at the program using personal transport, participants will have their temperature checked and will be asked a series of screening questions. Participants will be required to use hand sanitizer upon getting into the van and upon arrival to the program.Plastic barriers have been installed in the vans to add an extra layer of protection. Only two participants will be in the van at one time. Vans are disinfected before and after each transport.GroupsStaff and participants will maintain a social distance of 6 feet. Programming areas have been adapted to accommodate safe distances between individuals. Participants will be assigned individual materials that only they will have access to for the evening. These materials will be disinfected at the beginning and end of each day.